Home-School Communication

For schools to do what is best for your child it is very important to have good home school communication. 

We use the “Aladdin” app to communicate electronically with parents.  The majority of school updates and news is communicated via Aladdin.  All Parents should have access to Aladdin on their phone, tablet or other electronic device and should check it daily.

 Information may also be sent home in school folders/ schoolbags.  It is important that you check your child’s schoolbag regularly for notes. 

Parent/Guardian-Teacher Meetings are held once a year for Infants during the Spring Term. It is important that you attend these meetings to keep in touch with your child’s progress in school.

  • If you wish to talk to your child’s teacher at any stage during the year, please feel free to make an appointment with the teacher via Aladdin, email (stmarysash@gmail.com) or through the school secretary (01-8351299). 
  • However, for a junior infant, if a small problem arises, particularly when starting school, please don’t hesitate in bringing it to the attention of the class teacher, preferably at 2 p.m. Small issues for adults can be big problems for a 4 – 5 year old. 
  • In the main, payments for school related items can be paid through our Aladdin online payment.   If your child needs to bring in money, please ensure that it is in an envelope. Write your child’s name on the outside, teacher’s name, amount enclosed and purpose.